K-12 Organizations
Alliance Israelite Universelle
This site in French, Hebrew and English describes the work of Alliance-Kol Israel Haverim (KIAH), a leading educational organization in Israel, and part of the Alliance Israélite Universelle founded in 1860 in France, which brought about massive changes in the Jewish world.
Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago
Supervising more than 30 regional yeshivot in the greater Chicago area, this group offers continuing education courses for teachers, programs for special needs children, summer programs for students, and a kollel, all of which are described here.
Association of Reform Jewish Educators
Describes the programs and services for teachers and synagogue schools.
Board of Jewish Education of Chicago
This site describes the activities of the various divisions of the organization.
Board of Jewish Education of Toronto
This Canadian site provides information about the services of the BJE, including professional development courses, adult education, and interschool programs. Of particular note are the database of schools in Toronto, the CD-ROM reviews, the holiday resources, and the media center. The catalog of the media center is available online.
Boards of Jewish Education in North America
Hypertext linked list of Jewish Boards of Education in North America and selected K-12 instructional materials, including an online catalog of Jewish day school libraries.
Bronfman Jewish Education Centre
Information on the programs, publications, and services offered by the leading center for Jewish education in Montreal, Canada.
Builders of Jewish Education of Greater Los Angeles
This home page provides information about the educational services, youth programs, events, and committees of this umbrella organization for formal and informal Jewish education along with a staff directory and database of schools searchable by type, ideology, region, and zip code. There is also a job listings database.
Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education
Based in Los Angeles, California and New York, “CIJE seeks to upgrade the technology and programs available to Jewish day schools and yeshivot so that the education these schools provide is world-class.”
Center for Israel Education
“The CIE collects, informs, writes and disseminates material about modern Israel. We construct curriculum, assemble documents, offer curriculum for sale conduct teacher and student workshops, and engage in discussion about all aspects of modern Israel. Our target audiences include pre-collegiate, college, university, and adult learner, lay leaders, and clergy enrich their knowledge of Israel and the Middle East.”
Center for Jewish Education of Greater Baltimore
This home page has sections for parents, teachers, students, and principals, and offers access to information about the programs, events, and resources of the center. Through the resources section you can find a directory of affiliated schools.
Consortium of Jewish Day Schools
This New York-based group provides instructional materials and teacher training to yeshivas throughout North America.
Digital Jlearning Network
The Digital Jleaning Network helps “Jewish day schools and yeshivot integrate online and blended learning into their classrooms.” The site provides a searchable database of resources and professional videos for continuing education for teachers.
Directory of Jewish Day Schools
Created by Maven, this browsable database of Jewish schools worldwide provides basic contact information.
Find a Jewish School in the UK
Directory of K-12 schools in the United Kingdom that can be searched by post code.
Institute for Curriculum Services
A special nonprofit national project of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, ICS is dedicated to promoting accurate instructional materials about Jews, Judaism, and Israel in American public schools.
Jewish Education Center of Cleveland
Information about the services provided by the organization including educational resources such as curricula and material on technology in education, professional development materials, and items relating to family, adult and special education, and planning and evaluation. Of particular note is the catalog of the center that can be searched online.
Jewish Educators Assembly
"The Jewish Educators Assembly is the professional membership association representing a broad range of educators and educational administrators who identify with the Conservative Movement. " The group`s searchable home page provides news about the organization, its membership benefits, conference, publications, and resources along with a set of links to other Conservative web sites. You can read its JEA Newsletter online as well.
Jewish Learning Works of San Francisco
This searchable home page offers information about community wide educational events and the educational services of this organization in California. Of particular note is the ability to search the Jewish Community Library's catalog.
“A Jewish education blended learning using a flipped classroom platform, we offer professional, interactive, intuitive learning experiences focusing on text study and skills acquisition through the study of classic Judaic subjects.”
Lookstein Center for Jewish Education
Housed at Bar Ilan University in Israel, this center describes itself as "a virtual resource center for Jewish education." Its home page offers a bulletin board of employment opportunities, calls for papers, conferences, and educational resources; lesson plans and webquests; a description of the centers programs; and access to the many interactive educators forums with searchable archives. Of particular note is the resource library which provides online access to materials by author, subject, level, and language.
Matan for Children with Special Needs
“Matan educates Jewish leaders, educators and communities, empowering them to create learning environments supportive of children with special needs, through training Institutes and consultations across North America.” Its site has links to resources useful for teachers.
This home page of the largest Jewish educators' organization in North America provides information on the groups events and access to a number of online newsletters. Of particular note are the curriculum bank that allows members to download curricula from a searchable database and a job bank posted for everyone.
New South Wales Board of Education in Australia
Programs and learning resources from this educational group in Australia.
Pirchei Shoshanim
The Pirchei Shoshanim societies were children's groups founded sometime in the late 1700s or early 1800s in Eastern Europe. Upon enrollment in the Pirchei Shoshanim, the parents would donate charity for the purchase of Jewish books in honor of the newborn 'Pirchei' as the child was referred to. The child's name was put inside the front cover of the book." This educational site from Lakewood, New Jersey, is devoted to the teaching of "midos tovos, yiras shamayim, and ahavas hatorah." It has sections on learning programs, issues in Torah education, special education, the Chinuch Atzmi educational system, pen pals, computers, and a rebbes corner with articles on the art of teaching. Of particular note is the pictorial series sections offering full text versions of eight of the groups print publications including Pirkei Avot, Bircat HaMazon, and Shmirat HaLashon among others. This is a good starting point for those seeking educational material from a very traditional viewpoint.
Prizmah Center for Jewish Day Schools
Describes the programs and services of this New York based group. Of particular note is the knowledge center that can be searched by topic and format.
Information about the services and publications of this organization devoted to helping children with learning disabilities who are studying in a yeshiva environment.
Snunit Educational Information System
Created by the Israeli Ministry of Education, this searchable site in Hebrew offers a portal to a vast array of educational material arranged by subject.
The Bais Yaakov Project
This project “is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and digitization of historical material related to the Bais Yaakov movement educational movement for girls from its founding in 1917 through today.”
The Jewish Education Project of Greater New York
“The Jewish Education Project empowers educators and communal leaders with the tools they need to help young people and their families thrive individually and collectively as Jews and global citizens.” Its site provides information for synagogue schools, day schools and yeshivot, and family education. Of particular note is its database of resources searchable by type and work environment.