The Chasidic Movement
This site in English and Hebrew provides information about the life and teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.
This is the official host of the world-wide Chabad-Lubavitch Movement and in keeping with the outreach philosophy of the group is provided in several languages. An extensive list of sites created by Chabad communities worldwide is provided offering access to items such as full text books from the Lubavitch Library.
This Hebrew language site provides encyclopedia articles about the people, history and ideology of Chabad hasidisim.
Der Yid
“Der Yid is the oldest, most widely circulated Yiddish newspaper in the Orthodox community.” The site provides samples of the covers of the newspaper and information on how to subscribe.
Heichal Menachem
This site whose goal is to teach about the Chasidic movement has online classes and songs in mp3 format that can be downloaded for free.
Mosdot Tikkun Hamidot
Created by Breslov Chasidim in Kiryat Yam, Israel, this Hebrew language site offers daily study of the book "Chok Natan Velo Yaavor" by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, along with a photo gallery of the graves of famous rabbis in Israel and the Ukraine.
Zusha: Hasidic Stories
“online repository of Hasidic tales, at least in Hebrew. Zusha, the brainchild of the Israeli journalist Sara Beck, wants to make the Hasidic tale available in a modern and accessible digital format. Each story is presented in a more modern and accessible Hebrew language version than the original, along with the original source itself, some basic explanations about language or terms, and sometimes commentary by different individuals.”