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Aimed at the observant Jewish community, “ is a NEW top quality Shidduch/Dating service for Frum Jewish Singles that fully incorporates Klal Yisroel’s classic frum dating mesorah. “


Free registration is offered to this site that describes itself as "the largest Jewish singles network on the Internet."

Jewish Cafe

A subscription service that offers prospective members two weeks of free access to its database.

Jewish Singles with Special Needs

“MazalTov (AKA JSWSN) is a free online service for people with all disabilities.
We have rebranded and renamed the service to Mazal Tov, and have also included a new employment assistance service. We also operate and a free service to the Jewish community.”


A free Jewish singles dating site for those seeking a marital partner.

Jretro Match

“JRetroMatch combines Jewish matchmaking with online Jewish dating so Jewish singles can use a Jewish matchmaker plus a private Jewish matchmaking dating site.”


Unlike other sites, this site is devoting to finding a Jewish partner to wed not just date.

Let My People Go

Information about this singles organization with locations throughout the United States that sponsors the largest Jewish singles event in the country.

This site provides newly observant baalei teshuva singles in the U.S. and Canada with personalized dating guidance, mentoring, and networking.

Saw You at Sinai

Jewish matchmaking site that provides a private and personalized service for Jewish singles worldwide.   Volunteer matchmakers pre-screen, select and send matches to members. Profiles are accessible only to compatible singles. offers a discreet personal shadchan service for Orthodox singles living in Europe.  Its matchmakers are based in London, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Vienna, Basel, and Zurich, and they combine their personal  connections to  daters  with's own large database of singles from around Europe as well as Saw You at Sinai's large worldwide network.

Shidduchim in the UK and Europe

Building on the Saw You At Sinai software, this site pairs Jews in the UK and Europe with a shadchan to help them find a mate.

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