Kosher Restaurants
123 Cacher
This site in English and French provides access to kosher restaurants in various cities in France. You can also search by a variety of parameters.
2Eat: Israeli Restaurants
Searchable database of Israeli restaurants. You can search for restaurants by location, cooking style, meat, dairy, or pareve, and for those that have kosher certification. You can also print out coupons from the site. Kosher Restaurants in Israel
Describing itself as the "best resource on kosher restaurants in Israel, " this site provides a listing of restaurants by city. Information about the restaurants has been provided by the establishments themselves, many of whom offer discount coupons to users of eLuna. Diners also have the opportunity to comment and write reviews on a restaurant. You can sort the resulting search list by food type and neighborhood and also choose only glatt or mehadrin restaurants. There is a good selection of annotated, relevant Jewish food sites, as well as sections on kosher travel and wine. This is an excellent site for researching kosher restaurants in Israel.
Kosher Delight List of Kosher Restaurants Worldwide
This worldwide kosher database provides browsable access to restaurants arranged by state and by country. The list has contact and basic information about each restaurant. Its scope makes it a good beginning site for finding kosher restaurants throughout the world.
Restaurants Online in Israel
This Hebrew language database of restaurants in Israel is searchable by name, location, and style of food. You can also limit the search to kosher restaurants. In addition to basic contact information and reviews, you can download coupons for many of the restaurants.
Restaurants in Israel
Searchable database of 3000 restaurants in Israel. You can filter the results by city and whether the restaurant is kosher.
Yeah Thats Kosher
Created by Dani Klein, this kosher travel blog has articles about kosher facilities around the world.