Kashrut Supervision
European Kosher Products Database
Created by the Conference of European Rabbis, this is a searchable database of all of the products certified as kosher in Europe.
Compiled by Roger Shlomo Harris, this site contains “A growing collection of more than 1,000 hechsher images
together with some explanatory details
arranged for quick, easy reference
according to their shape, a
bilingual glossary,
several indexes, a
Bibliography, and relevant links.” There is also a section on kashrut authorities worldwide arranged alphabetically by their name that displays the symbol of the hechsher associated with them.
Houston Kashruth Association
Info sheets, listings of places under the hashgacha of the organization, along with the bulletin of kashruth notices are among the materials on this site for helping people keep kosher in Houston, Texas.
Kashrut Division of the London Beth Din
Kashrut information from a major group in the UK that certifies food. The site includes the ability to search their database and see their kosher nosh guide.
Kashrut Supervision Worldwide
Created by Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf, this site provides access to the kashrut authorities worldwide with pictures of their logos and contact information.
Kashrut Symbols
From the Chicago Rabbinical Council comes this list of worldwide kosher certifying agencies with pictures of their symbols and their contact information.
Kof-K Kosher Supervision
The home page of this kashrut certifier based in Teaneck, New Jersey, provides databases of its products, companies and restaurants it serves,along with articles on kashrut and the kosher food industry.
Kosher Food Certification
This site in English, German and French is from the Badatz Igud Rabbonim KIR in Manchester, English, “one of the largest Kosher Certification organisations in Europe today.” Its site provides information about becoming certified and a kosher glossary.
MK: Canada's Kosher Certifier
“With over 800 companies and 45,000 products certified under MK, Canada’s Kosher Certifier, it has set the standard in the world of kosher food for over seventy-five years.”
New York State Kosher Registry
This searchable database is provided by the New York State Department of Agriculture and lists all products that describe themselves as kosher. You can search by packaged or non-packaged food, by brand, product, description and UPC code.
OK Kosher Certification
The home page of this kashrut certifier based in Brooklyn, New York provides databases of its products, companies and restaurants it serves, along with information for companies in Spanish, Korean, Japanese and Chinese about becoming certified.
OU Kosher
Describing itself as “the world's largest kosher certification agency
certifying over 1 million products worldwide,” this site provides extensive resources for consumers and industrial producers. There are databases of restaurants, food products, recipes, pas yisroel products, a cheese list, blessings over food, and the Kosher for Passover list. There is also kosher primer designed to help people understand the laws of kashrut
The home page of this kashrut certifier based in Baltimore provides news and alerts and product, restaurant, and company lists through an alphabetical subject directory. Its Passover section features articles on the holiday and a product directory arranged by food type. There is also information for companies in Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese about becoming certified.Of particular note are the faq about kashrut questions and the section on KitchenAid Sabbath mode appliances.
The New South Wales Kashrut Authority
This site lists the kosher restaurants, products, butchers, bakeries, delis, fast food, fish shops, and caterers in New South Wales, Australia.
Vaad Hoier of Cincinnati
The website of this kashrut certification company provides a pictoral primer on kosher food, a list of the institutions it certifies and the rabbis who provide certification as well as links to groups in this area of Ohio.