Academy of the Hebrew Language
This Hebrew and English web site comes from the official organization charged with the creation of new Hebrew words. Of particular interest is the list of new words that the academy has added to the Hebrew language.
Aleph-Bet on the Net
The tutorials on this site are designed to reinforce vocabulary and spelling for beginning students of modern Hebrew. Some tutorials show words in Hebrew and ask for the English translation. Other tutorials display a series of simple words or phrases in English and ask the visitor to type in the Hebrew translation." Lessons are keyed to Encounters in Modern Hebrew by Edna Amir Coffin.
Automatic Hebrew Transliteration
A tool for transliterating Hebrew.
Ben Yehuda Historical Hebrew Dictionary
Part of the Ben Yehuda Hebrew Literature project, this site provides the full text of Eliezer Ben Yehuda's dictionary, one of the earliest efforts to revive Hebrew as a spoken language.
Dicta: Analytical Tools for Hebrew Texts
Dicta contains several free tools for analyzing Hebrew texts: search the Bible, nakdan to add vowels to text, classify Biblical texts, pasuk finder and synopsis builder.
Easy Hebrew News
This commercial site is part of the Yanshuf newspaper, which provides articles in vocalized Hebrew with accompanying dictionaries in English and French for those just learning the language.
Hasafa Haivrit
Created by Roni Hefner, this site is an outgrowth of the Hebrew discussion forums on Ynet. Roni has arranged the material by categories, covering a wide variety of topics pertaining to Hebrew.
Hebrew Abbreviations
This general site offers a section in Hebrew on abbreviations that is browsable alphabetically. Each entry provides the full entry for the abbreviation and where it is generally used.
Hebrew Acronyms
This list provides the ALA/LC standard romanization of many acronyms and initialisms commonly encountered in Hebrew cataloging. The list is arranged by Hebrew abbreviation.
Hebrew Aphorisms
This Hebrew language site from the Center for Educational Technology in Israel provides an alphabetical list of sayings.
Hebrew Arabic Dictionary
Glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. This site provides Arabic translations of Hebrew words.
Hebrew Expressions
This Hebrew language site from the Center for Educational Technology in Israel provides an alphabetical list of idiomatic expressions.
Hebrew Language Council
With the goal of “Increasing the prestige and the dissemination of the Hebrew language in North America,” this site provides information about the organization and online lists of sources for learning and teaching Hebrew as well as professional development material.
Hebrew Language Resources
Collection of resources created by Jacob Richman.
Hebrew Literature Out Loud
“The archive is the first project of its kind in Hebrew: recording prose and poetry works written in Modern and Classical Hebrew. The recordings were done by professional narrators and leading artists, and can all be listened to online for free.”
Hebrew Literature from the Ben Yehuda Project
Project Ben Yehuda provides full text access to classic titles in Hebrew literature that are out of copyright protection. The site is browsable by genre. This is an excellent way to access older classics in Hebrew literature.
Hebrew Podcasts
Created by Nivi Yedwab, this site provides a series of Hebrew language mp3 podcasts each devoted to a different aspect of daily life. You can subscribe to the service and have access to the accompanying learning guides as well. Lesson are rated according to level of difficulty.
Hebrew Spell Checker
Written by Nadav Har'El and Dan Kenigsberg, Hspell is a free program you can download to check your Hebrew spelling.
Hebrew-Hebrew Military Dictionary
Hebrew definitions of terms and abbreviations commonly used in the Israeli army.
Hebrew-Hebrew Military Dictionary
Created by Ruvik Rosenthal, this dictionary is based on the book "Shirat Pazmanik." You can browse alphabetically or search for a term.
HebrewPal: The Hebrew Paleographic Album
Based on a palaeographical method originally devised and taught by Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, HebrewPal combines traditional Hebrew palaeography with new developments in digital technology. Its database includes Hebrew books, documents, and epigraphy from all areas of Jewish diaspora.
History of the Hebrew Language
Created by David Steinberg, this site provides a detailed look at the structure and history of the Hebrew language.
KIMA: A Historical Gazetteer
Founded by Dr. Sinai Rusinek, this database of Hebrew place names provides variants and attestations of the variants.
Learn Hebrew
From Jacob Richman comes this "free, on-line, educational resource to learn Hebrew words. The flash site incorporates 46 topics, along with over 1,700 Hebrew words and phrases. Each Hebrew word is presented as an image with nikud [vowels]. When you click on a word or phrase you can hear it spoken. The high quality audio was created in a sound studio. The site is multilingual. The menus, transliterations and translations are in four languages: English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Learn Hebrew Signs
From Jacob Richman comes this site with 450 photos of signs in Hebrew. Under each sign is the text in Hebrew with vowels and a translation.
Learn Hebrew Verbs
From Jacob Richman comes this "free, on-line, educational resource containing 300 Hebrew verbs conjugated in all tenses (past, present, future, imperative). The site menu provides selection by one tense or all tenses; gender or both genders; singular and/or plural. For your convenience, you can choose a Hebrew or English menu to navigate the site."
Learn Hebrew through Videos
Videos for learning Hebrew from Jacob Richman.
Learn to Read the Hebrew Alphabet
Online, introductory lessons to reading the Hebrew alphabet. You can do the letters in order or skip to one of interest.
MILAH - the Jerusalem Institute for Education
MILAH, situated in Jerusalem, offers an Ulpan for learning Hebrew and courses about Israeli culture. Information is provided about the classes, along with details on their publications.
Maagarim Historical Dictionary of Hebrew
Created by the Academy of the Hebrew Language, this dictionary, once a fee based service, is now free. It aims to encompass the entire Hebrew lexicon throughout its history. You can search by a wide variety of parameters. The site is entirely in Hebrew.
This site features a set of online courses aimed at teaching Hebrew to English speakers. Some material is free, but others require subscription.
Milon Avniyon
Based on the Sapir Dictionaries, this Hebrew language dictionary focuses on new Hebrew words, particularly those in technical areas. Some etymology is provided, as well as some translation into English. The definitions also provide examples of how the word is used. There are sections on sayings and abbreviations as well.
Milon Kitzurim VeRashei Teyvot: A Dictionary of Hebrew Acronyms
This Hebrew language database of acronyms and abbreviations is searchable by term and browsable by subject.
This Hebrew language site provides technical terms for students in academic areas such as mathematics, literature and computers.
"Morim" in Hebrew means "teachers," and this site in English, French, and Hebrew from France pulls together resources about the Hebrew language. There are links to Hebrew language games, courses, instruction books, software programs, and media resources. You can participate in a forum and join an email list as well.
My Hebrew Dictionary
Created by Jacob Richman, this site provides a browsable collection of Hebrew words in a large number of categories.
Passing Phrase
Created by Eli Birnbaum and Robin Treistman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, this site provides an archived list of phrases is available for browsing.
“Poetrans is index of poetry translations into Hebrew. Here you can check if a specific poem has been translated to Hebrew, and if so - where you can find the translation. The index aspires to be a digital database of all tables of content of all poetry books ever translated into Hebrew. “
The site is dedicated to Israeli poetry and houses an audio database of Israeli poets reading their poems, samples of manuscripts, articles and news, forums and a virtual workshop for aspiring poets.
Shorashon is a lexicon containing nearly 4000 Hebraic roots and has an innovating method of classification. You can download it for free as a pdf. Its instructions and translation of Hebraic roots are available in French only.
The Hebrews
Created by Yair Qedar, “The Hebrews is an independent project for documenting Hebrew culture, containing films, video talks and books. So far 8 feature-length documentary films have been released, 2 books have been published, and dozens of talks with experts and commentators have been recorded. On this website you can find the films for VOD, and the video talks”
The Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database
Housed at the University of Edinburgh, “The Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database project aims to provide a structured and critical survey of scholarly literature on the vocabulary of classical Hebrew.”
Translation Israel Project
Links to online specialized Hebrew dictionaries ranging from a wine glossary to compute terms.
Tzahal Dictionary
A browsable Hebrew language dictionary of army terms in Israel.
Created by the Wikipedia people, this resource is an attempt to create an open source dictionary in Hebrew. It is browsable and searchable.