International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame
Based at the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Netanya, Israel, this organization honors Jewish men and women worldwide who have made contributions to the world of sports. The site has an alphabetical list of honorees with their country. Links to regional sports halls of fame are also provided.
Israel 75 Philatelic Academy
To mark the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel, the Israel Philatelic Federation (IPF) and the Society of Israel Philatelists (SIP) collaborated to create this site with exhibits and online lectures about the history of Israel's stamps.
Israel Amateur Radio Club
News and links to discussion forums for those interested in ham radio in Israel and the Jewish world.
Israel Coins and Medals
Information on commemoratives as well as links to other sites handling Israeli coins. Information is provided in both English and Hebrew.
JCC Maccabi Games
“The JCC Association, formerly the National Jewish Welfare Board (JWB), is the umbrella organization for Jewish Community Centers and YW/YMHAs throughout the United States and Canada."" Its home page describes the athletic program and details how to participate in the games.
Jewish Baseball Museum
Created by Jeff Aeder, “the site is complete with biographies of nearly all the Jews who made it to the big leagues. There are interviews with former players and prominent baseball-industry types, as well as a timeline of Jewish baseball stories that dates to the 1860s.”
Jewish Baseball News
Created by Scott Barancik, this site provides information about Jewish baseball players in the major and minor leagues.
Judaica News – Jews on Stamps
“Judaica News, the Judaic Thematic Society Newsletter, was first issued in September 2005. The first 59 issues were emailed as Word documents and, with one or two exceptions, without illustrations. After November 2010, Judaica News was regularly emailed in pdf form, with illustrations. All issues are here preserved in pdf form.”
Maccabi USA
Details about this organization devoted to encouraging Jewish sports activities worldwide. The site includes information about the Pan Am Games and Maccabiah Games. Links to sites about Israeli sports are also provided.
Mosaic Outdoor Clubs
Mosaic Outdoor (Mountain) Clubs is a network of non-profit organizations dedicated to organizing outdoor activities and/or environmental activities for Jewish adults. There are approximately 20 clubs located throughout the United States and Canada.
Sephardic-Mizrahi Postal History & Ephemera Gallery
Searchable and browsable collection of stamps and postcards arranged by country.
Society of Israel Philatelists
This organization is devoted to the study and collection of Israeli stamps and stamps of Judaic interest.