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Discussions of Traditional Jewish Studies

929: Tanach Together

“Drawing its name from the 929 chapters of the Hebrew Bible, the project aims to get hundreds of thousands of Israelis from all walks of life to complete the corpus over three-and-a-half years by covering five chapters a week.” The goal of the Hebrew language site is to involve everyone in Bible study. “In addition, the site features explanatory videos and cultural artifacts—from comics to music clips—related to the weekly chapters and a detailed timeline allowing participants to track their progress; it can even read the Bible aloud to the visually impaired or those on the go. “

All Daf

From the OU comes this site providing “a comprehensive and technologically advanced platform catering to Daf Yomi learners of every level, from beginners to Maggidei Shiur. The site provides reference materials, supplementary videos and other support materials in addition to the daf yomi material itself.

Audio Mishna Yomit

This is an audio collection of several years worth of studies in the daily mishna presented by Rabbi Chaim Brown in mp3 format.You can browse the archives by masechet or follow the daily study.

Business Halacha

Published by the Business Halacha Institute headed by Rabbi Chaim Kohn, this site details the seminars and study groups sponsored by the institute. Of particular note is the library which provides full text versions of articles, seminar notes and study groups. The materials are browsable by topic, date and topic.

COTAR: Collection of Torah Articles

COTAR Online is a comprehensive and unique repository of articles which provides answers to fundamental and daily Halachic questions. The repository presently contains more than 10,000 articles collected from hundreds of periodicals and Torah sources published between 1970 and 2003. Cotar Online includes a unique and detailed index of more than 2,400 topics which provides direct links to the relevant articles. You can search in Hebrew and sign up for an account to see the full text of the results.

Chafetz Chayim on Lashon Hara

At this site in English and Hebrew you can engage in daily study of Hilchot Lashon Hara written by the Chafetz Chayim. You can also access the archives of the discussions.

Daf Yomi

Listen in English, French or Hebrew to the daf yomi using Windows Media Player while the text is displayed or printed. The archive is searchable by masechet and page.

Daf Yomi Discussions Archived

Daf Yomi podcasts from Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom of the Young Israel of Century City.

Daf Yomi Portal

This Hebrew language site offers a daf yomi study calendar, study aids, locations of classes throughout Israel, audio and video lessons, the opportunity to find a study partner, and a virtual library with primary source material in full text.

Daf Yomi for Women

Each morning, Michelle Cohen Farber conducts a class in daf yomi for women in Raanana and then immediately uploads the class so it can be listened to and downloaded as a podcast. Additionally, worksheets that organize the daf and help facilitate understanding can be found on the website.

Daf Yomi from Adin Steinsaltz

Video and text of the daf yomi study from Rabbi Steinsaltz.

Daf a Week

Daf-A-Week is a program to study one page (two sides) of gemara per week. The site provides the text and audio shiurim from a number of rabbis to help you study, as well as periodic tests on the material.

Daf a Week

Daf Hashovua provides resources and learning partners for studying a page of Talmud a week.

Daily Gemara

Created by Rabbi Eli Mansour, this is a browsable and searchable database of his teachings on Gemara. Each page displays the text of the Talmud, along with an hour-long lesson you can download or play online. To date, teachings on the masechtot of Berachot and Shabbat are available.

Daily Halacha

Created by Rabbi Eli Mansour, this is a browsable and searchable database of his halachic rulings.

Daily Mishna Portal

Recordings of the daily Mishna yomi study programs at Ohr Somayach Savoy in Johannesburg, South Africa. You can download the discussions and the Mishnah Yomi calendar.

Din Torah

The purpose of the site is to gather information associated with Rabbinical Courts for Financial Disputes. The site contains useful information: A guide for individuals entering the Rabbinical Courts, information on such Courts operating in Israel and Abroad, as well as various legal documents. Additionally, the site contains professional information – articles and rulings – dealing with issues discussed in the courts. This site is another one of the initiatives of the Mishpetay Eretz Institute – the Higher Institute for Halacha and Law, in Ofra (Israel).

Din: Ask the Rabbi

This searchable collection of responsa literature comes from the Kollel Choshen Mishpat. You can ask a question or search the database of topics.


This site provides a gif of every page of the Babylonian Talmud. You can drill down by masechet to the exact daf and amud you want. In addition, you can hear the daf in either English or Yiddish.

Eruv Initiative

This site provides information and resources about eruvim, the enclosure of an area on Shabbat.

Free Torah MP3 Classes

This service provided by Lebow Technology Solutions offers free downloads of classes in a wide variety of Jewish subjects. Many of these classes were originally given at Machon Meir in Jerusalem. The list is browsable and arranged in alphabetical order by course title.

Gemara Berura

An app designed for schools and individuals that helps you learn Gemara.

Judaic Seminar

A project of the Sephardic Institute, this site has articles on Tanach, the weekly parasha, and a list of lectures by Jewish scholars.

Kol HaLashon: Online Torah Shiurim

You can search this site in English or Hebrew by a variety of parameters to find online shiurim in a number of areas to listen to for free.


Created by Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin-Nun, this Hebrew language site provides resources for traditional Torah study.

Mishna Yomit

Access to articles and learning aides to help you learn a section of Mishna daily. There is also information about finding a class on the subject.


Rabbi Yehuda Eliyahu's teachings on a large number of Talmud masechtot in mp3 format.

Naaleh Torah Online 

This site offers free lectures, classes and shiurim that you can watch as videos or download in mp3 format. You can browse by subject or do a search.


Full text of articles, letters, teachings, and essays by Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook, the first chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Israel.

Project Genesis

Project Genesis offers free, online courses aimed at beginning, intermediate, and advanced students.

Rambam Yomi

Daily study of a section of the Rambam on video or sign up for free to hear the shiur online or on smartphone.

Real Clear Daf

Created by Rabbi Shmuel Wise, this site uses audio and video to review the daf yomi. There are also Apple and Android apps you can download to follow the lessons.

Torah Anytime is an organization started by Shimon and Reuven KaylYakov, two Bukharian Jews in Queens, New York. Their site features videos of lectures given in their community. The site is searchable by speaker or title of the video.

Torah Lab

Material on the Jewish holidays and the life cycle from Rabbi Yaacov Haber site.

Torah Search

Billing itself as "an online Torah search engine," this site compiles shiurim from a variety of sources and lists them by subject. The site is also searchable by keyword.


Offers browsable access to divrei Torah from the leading Torah scholars of Yeshiva University. Access is by author, parsha, and holiday and the entire archives are keyword searchable.

This database of materials from Yeshiva University in audio, video, and printed formats offers access to teachings from the rebbes of the school in the areas of holidays, halacha, Jewish thought, daf yomi, and parashat hashavuah. Sections may be searched by topic, subtopic, format, date, and teacher. Advanced search capabilities expand the fields to searching by masechet and daf, shiur length, and language.

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