Israeli Reverse Telephone Directory
Look up a person or business in Israel by telephone number.
Israeli Telephone Directory: Bezek 144
This site allows you to search the Israeli telephone directories in English, Hebrew, Arabic and Russian for people and businesses.
Searchable Database of Synagogues
This Hebrew language site allows you to search for Orthodox synagogues belonging to the Worldwide Synagogue Association by location, nusach and type of community.
Synagogue and Jewish Community Directory
From the portal Maven comes this large directory of synagogues and communities worldwide arranged by location. Contact information is provided.
Synagogues 360
SYNAGOGUES360 provides a visual record of Jewish culture, showing and preserving synagogues by means of interactive 360 degree panoramic photos. You can search for the synagogues by country or name.
Worldwide Mikvah List
Browsable database created by United Kashrut Authority listing the name, address, and telephone number along with relevant comments about mikvaot throughout the world.