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Academic Jewish Studies

#DHJewish - Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities

This website offers a single access point to news, events, and projects on the intersection of Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities.

Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory

"The Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory is the prime gateway to 371 high quality resources for the study of Judaism, including access to library catalogs and to databases like RAMBI - Index of Articles in Jewish Studies." This searchable site list academic associations, libraries, archives, universities where Jewish studies are offered, research institutes, and a broad collection of relevant links. You can add a URL and check the most recent additions to the database as well.This is an excellent starting point. THIS IS AN UPDATED URL.


This French language site offers online courses in a variety of areas of Jewish interest. It also list conferences in these areas. You can search the site or browse by conference, theme and organization.

Aramaic Language of the Zohar

“This site will provide resources for people interested in reading the Zohar, the text at the heart of the Jewish mystical tradition, in its original language, or who are interested in the Aramaic language more generally. It is part of a larger project by Judy Barrett and Justin Jaron Lewis, who are working on a beginner’s textbook and a practical dictionary of the Aramaic of the Zohar.”

Association for Jewish Studies

“The Association for Jewish Studies is a learned society and professional organization whose mission is to advance research and teaching in Jewish Studies at colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning, and to foster greater understanding of Jewish Studies scholarship among the wider public. “

BARGE: Centre for German-Jewish Studies

This site, based at the University of Sussex in England, is an online database of British archival resources relating to German-Jewish Refugees from 1933-1950.

Bornblum Eretz Israel Synagogues Website

“The main goal of this website is to display the world of synagogues from the Land of Israel for the scholar, student and layperson. This website provides information such as bibliographical references, geographical location, photos, plans and brief descriptions of ancient synagogues from the Roman and Byzantine periods in the Land of Israel. It also presents information on selected historically significant synagogues from the Middle Ages through the beginning of the 20th century. “

British Association for Jewish Studies

BAJS seeks to advance the teaching and research in Jewish culture and history in all its aspects within higher education in the British Isles. Its website includes links to publications, jobs, and relevant web sites.

Center for Online Judaic Studies: COJS

An ambitious project launched by Dr. Lawrence Schiffman and George Blumenthal, the center "is a collaborative organization dedicated to the advancement of Judaic Studies, Biblical Studies, and Jewish Education." It plans to offer an interactive web encyclopedia, a user-friendly layout based on principles of educational technology, free online access to rare and valuable documents and artifacts, multimedia presentations including historical footage and lectures by scholars, and innovative web-based learning modules for students and teachers.

Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible

From Tel Aviv University comes this searchable dictionary of the flora, fauna, land characteristics, climate systems and water sources of the Tanach. You can browse by category or search by keyword.

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls

The Israel Museum and Google have digitized five of the Dead Sea Scrolls, allowing users to examine and explore these most ancient manuscripts from Second Temple times at a level of detail never before possible. The site also offers short explanatory videos and background information on the texts and their history. The five Dead Sea Scrolls that have been digitized thus far include the Great Isaiah Scroll, the Community Rule Scroll, the Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll, the Temple Scroll, and the War Scroll. You can get an English translation of the scrolls as well.

Epidat - The Database of Jewish Epigraphy

This site in German and English provides the inventory, documentation, editions and presentation of epigraphical collections.

Friedberg Genizah Project

“The Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP) was established to facilitate and rejuvenate Genizah research. It is achieving this goal by locating the Genizah manuscripts and then identifying, cataloging, transcribing, translating, rendering them into digital format and publishing them online.” The website provides some samples of the scanned fragments.

Friedberg Jewish Manuscript Society

A portal to a project to make Jewish manuscripts and other Jewish books and documents available to the public by digitizing them. Currently, there are scans of material from the Cairo Genizah, Yemenite manuscripts, Judeo-Arabic material, Talmudic material and a Judeo-Arabic bibliography.

Gershwind-Bennett Isaac Leeser Digitization Project

The first of what is planned to be a continuing number of digital initiatives as part of the Jesselson-Kaplan American
Genizah Project, this site from the University of Pennsylvania provides access to the personal papers and publications of Isaac Leeser, widely regarded as the foremost American Jewish leader in antebellum America. You can also view issues of the Occident, the first American Jewish monthly, edited by Isaac Leeser.

This German language site is an online encyclopedia hosted by the University of Potsdam about the Jewish Enlightenment

Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine

From Brown University, “the Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine project seeks to collect and make freely accessible all of the previously published inscriptions (and their English translations) of Israel/Palestine from the Persian period through the Islamic conquest (ca. 500 BCE - 640 CE). “ You can search the site using a wide range of parameters. In many cases, the digitized images of the inscriptions also appear. The site also contains useful resources such as a bibliography, glossary and timeline.

Israel Archaeological Proof

This site provides examples from archaeology that support the presence of Jews in the Land of Israel for 3,5000 years. You can choose a time period and see and hear the archaeological evidence related to it.

Italian Jewish Studies

Listing of resources for studies about the history and culture of Jews in Italy.

JTS-Schocken Institute for Jewish Research

“The JTS-Schocken Institute for Jewish Research is dedicated to research in the fields of Jewish Law, Responsa Literature and History of Jewish Education and seeks to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge through research and scholarly industry.” Its website provides access to its research projects and publications.

Jewish Encyclopedia 

"This website contains the complete contents of the 12 volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901 and 1906. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which recently became part of the public domain, contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations." The site is searchable by format, keyword, image caption, and article title. While the encyclopedia does not cover events in modern history, its articles have always been considered definitive in the areas it does cover. You may volunteer to help update the work as well.

Jewish English Lexicon 

Created by Sarah Bunin Benor, the goal of the group is to collect data on the English of Jews in America and elsewhere and to make it available to the general public. You can browse the lexicon in alphabetical order or search by word. You can also add words to it.

Jewish Language Research Website

This searchable site provides access to research on a number of Jewish languages, including Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Italian, Jewish English, and Jewish Neo-Aramaic, displaying some of this research and the scholars who have created it. The site has links to relevant listservs and websites, biographical information about the researchers, and an overview of each language and a bibliography.

Jewish Studies Network

Discussions, reviews, and syllabi related to all aspects of Judaic studies. Of particular note are H-Judaic, a moderated scholarly discussion group, The Jewish Studies Newsletter and JSN Book Reviews provided here.

Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal

"JSIJ is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal dealing with all fields of Jewish studies." All of its articles are available online in full text, beginning with the first issue from 2002.

Judaica Link

“JudaicaLink provides support to publish and interlink existing reference works of the Jewish culture and history as Linked Data,” allowing users to interlink resources related to the described concepts.

Latin America Jewish Studies Association

Based at the University of Texas at Austin, “LAJSA serves as a network for scholars who are working on related themes but who are geographically distant from one another.” In addition to information about the group, there are links to syllabi in relevant subject areas.

Medieval Anglo-Jewish Women

Created by Adrienne Williams Boyarin, this database provides information on the lives of 720 Jewish women and their relatives who lived in England in the Middle Ages. You can also view the information on a map.

Moses Mendelssohn Center for European Jewish Studies 

This German language site describes the work of the center, including its publications, conferences, projects and library.

Mother Tongue: Endangered Jewish Languages

This site in English and Hebrew provides recordings of people speaking endangered Jewish languages worldwide.

Online Books in Jewish Studies

Created by John Mark Ockerbloom, this site provides links to entire books or parts of books in Jewish studies that are available online.

Online Resources for the Study of Rabbinic Literature

Created by Richard Hidary, the computer program that powers this site facilitates lining up parallel versions of Hebrew texts so that manuscripts can be analyzed for variants as well as close parallels.

Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls

This searchable site offers access to the activities, publications, annual symposiums, and e-mail discussion group on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Also available are the regularly updated bibliography on the Scrolls.


Located in Sweden, Paideia is a non-denominational institute committed to the revival of Jewish culture in Europe. They offer a one year program of intensive Jewish text studies with scholars from all over the world in an academic environment, enriched by a variety of cultural events. Scholarships are available.

Penn/Cambridge Genizah Fragment Project

Browse and search the list of fragments from the Cairo Genizah contributed by the University of Pennsylvania Museum, the Cambridge University Library and the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.


RAMBI, a Hebrew acronym for "Index to Articles on Jewish Studies, " is a selective bibliography of articles in the various fields of Jewish studies and in the study of Eretz Israel. Articles listed in RAMBI are based on scholarly research and are compiled from thousands of periodicals and from collections of articles in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages published worldwide. Material is browsable by Author, Subject, Section and Source and searchable by keyword or phrase. This is an outstanding resource for serious studies about Judaism or Israel.

Rambish: Index to Hebrew Language Judaica articles

Subtitled “a list of articles for bnei hayeshivot,” this Hebrew language database indexes articles from about 80 periodicals and collections with a focus on religious topics. Searching is available on a variety of parameters. Many results are provided in full text. The site plans to index materials from 2000 on.


This Spanish and English site provides access to the full text of this journal devoted to studies about Hebraica, Sephardim and the Middle East since 2006.


Sefardiweb is a Spanish language academic website focusing on the Sephardim and their relationship with Spain.

Sefer - the Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization

Sefer's goals are to support academic research in Jewish studies and to improve the academic quality of teaching Jewish disciplines in universities and programs across the former Soviet Union. It site in Russian and English describes the center's work and provides access to its archives and recorded presentations.

Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University

Here in both German and English you can find information on the history of the Institute, its current activities in research and teaching, and its publications. Of particular note is the online library catalog and the list of periodicals that the library holds.

Society for Crypto Judaic Studies

Devoted to the study of Jews from the Iberian peninsula, this site provides resources and access to the full text of HaLapid dating back to 2001, as well as a set of relevant links.

Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit 

This web site from Cambridge University describes the Genizah materials collection and the research unit's work. The collection is searchable online and there is a bibliography and online exhibit, as well as access to the unit's newsletter Genizah Fragments.


Part of Project TABS, this site provides articles that integrate the study of the Torah and other Jewish texts with the disciplines and findings of academic scholarship.

The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library

Funded by the Leon Levy Foundation and the Arcadia Fund, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Google have digitized hundreds of Dead Sea Scrolls images. You can explore the archive, learn about the scrolls and look at featured scrolls.

Tools for the Study of the Hebrew Bible

Create by Marc Brettler of Duke University, this site provides access to “specialized tools for the study of the Hebrew text of the Hebrew Bible.” The site includes links to scholarly editions of the Hebrew Bible, lexicons and glossaries, grammars, concordances and other research tools.

Travelab: A Multi-Lingual Mapped Edition of the Travels of Benjamin of Tudela

Search the text of Benjamin of Tudela's travelogue in English, Hebrew or Arabic and see a map of the places mentioned in it.

World Union of Jewish Studies

The English and Hebrew home page for this organization, the largest group of Jewish studies scholars in the world, provides access to details about its conferences and books. Of particular note is the database of articles that can be searched by author, title, keyword, and topic. Articles are provided in pdf format.

YAIR: The Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository

Digitized articles, monographs, theses and dissertations, working papers, technical reports, conference papers and presentations, datasets, software code, images, video, and other multimedia creations from the students and faculty of Yeshiva University.

Yad Ben Zvi

Hebrew language homepage of this publisher that specializes in the history and sociology of Jewish communities in Israel. The site describes the publications, conferences, and tours led by the organization.

Zoo Torah

Founded by Rabbi Nathan Slifkin, sometimes called the Zoo Rabbi, Zoo Torah focuses on the identification and symbolism of animals in the Bible.

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